Session 2 - Advanced PSHE SEND Practitioner: Navigating complex and sensitive topics within PSHE - A focus on RSE
This training supports staff confidence to deliver safe and meaningful RSE lessons to primary and secondary-aged children with Special Education Needs. The session will offer a range of practical suggestions on how to deliver sensitive content, safeguarding tips, and an opportunity to discuss ways to respond to sensitive topics and questions.
Learning Objectives:
- To develop knowledge and understanding of teaching RSE topics to learners with SEND.
- To develop approaches for understanding learners' needs, focusing on differing levels of capacity, maturation and behaviour
- To identify appropriate strategies for teaching learners with SEND.
- To develop awareness of resources to support with teaching of effective RSE.
Suitable for all teachers and teaching assistants delivering RSE to pupils with SEND
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact for fees.