Advanced PSHE SEND Practitioner: Creating a skills-based learning curriculum to enhance personal development across PSHE - A focus on ‘Keeping Safe’
Part 1: Safety Coaching
In this session, delegates will consider the ways in which SEND can affect decision making and safe behaviour choices. The session will share best practice for safety education as well as introducing and modelling the method of safety coaching. This teaches children how to make safe choices in different situations including water, road and home safety. The session will also facilitate sharing of key safety advice and engaging with parents/carers on teaching safety education.
Learning Objectives:
- To explain the links between SEND needs and risk-taking behaviours.
- To know key safety messages and advice for children and families.
- To explore the most effective methods of teaching safety to pupils.
Part 2: Supporting pupils with SEND to be safe on and offline
In this session, delegates will consider how those with SEND and SEMH needs may navigate keeping safe both on and offline.
The session will explore the importance of self and social awareness, responsible decision making and how self-management and self-esteem can impact on behaviours, relationships and safety.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the link between SEND, SEMH and safety behaviours.
- To know how self and social awareness may impact safety on and offline.
- To explore strategies to support with these behaviours and mitigate risk.
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact for fees.