'All schools should take a whole-school approach to tackling sexual harassment...because it is likely that they are underestimating the scale of the problem.' Ofsted Report 2021
This year-long pilot programme is developed for Senior Leadership who are committed to gender equality and eradicating sexism, misogyny and sexual harassment in all forms from their school community.
It is strongly recommended that the person responsible for PSHE (if not yourself) should also attend and/or your Designated Safeguarding Lead.
1 x Half Day Preventing Sexism and Sexual Harassment training (face-to-face) (22/01/25)
1-2 x In-house Tackling Sexism training for your whole school staff
2 - 3 x Network Meetings (inc. training, peer support, feedback and evaluation) (dates TBC)
121 support from Healthy Schools PSHE and RSE Subject Specialists
Be recognised for the work you do in this programme by Gender Action and receive your Champion award - Champion — GENDER ACTION SCHOOLS AWARD
The programme will focus on identifying and preventing inappropriate and problematic sexual behaviour in the school community in the form of sexism, misogyny and non-physical sexual harassment. It aims to work alongside your existing provision and safeguarding protocols when handling reports of harmful sexual behaviour.
Please book here with a member of your SLT and PSHE Lead / DSL. By booking on to this January course you are committing to being apart of the full programme outlined above. Places are limited and are allocated on a first come - first served basis.
For more information contact: eleanor.coleman-reed@mft.nhs.uk
Senior Leadership, PSHE Leads, DSL
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact healthy.schools@mft.nhs.uk for fees.
Venue Address
Heald Place, Rusholme, Manchester, M14 7PN