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Healthy Schools

Healthy Lifestyles

The Healthy Lifestyles theme incorporates a range of resources, staff training and interventions around the topic areas of healthy eating and physical activity. 

The Healthy Lifestyles theme aims to promote and develop healthy lifestyle choices in the school age population, preventing and reducing the number of children with excess weight across Manchester.

Training & Events

Manchester Healthy Schools is committed to raising awareness about the importance of healthy lifestyles and equipping staff with the knowledge and understanding about a multi-faceted approach to reducing obesity among children and young people. 

Training has been developed to support schools to develop healthy eating policies and best practice around encouraging physical activity for all ages.

Our universal training is available for all schools that have completed the Health Check. 

Schools that have prioritised Healthy Lifestyles this year will have access to a wider selection of ‘in-house’ training and support to ensure that they are able to make significant progress in this area.

Please find a full list of training available to support Healthy Lifestyles below. Bespoke training for secondary schools and special schools is available on request.

For more information please contact Cassandra.Cox@mft.nhs.uk.

Healthy Lifestyles

The importance of Sleep on Health and Wellbeing

15th May 2025

1 hour


This session explores the importance of sleep, good sleep hygiene practices, and information on sleep physiology. It will also look at the link between sleep and mental and physical health. Delegates...
Healthy Lifestyles

Understanding Childhood Obesity

19th May 2025

1 hour


This training has been designed to help delegates understand the broad range of factors that contribute to childhood obesity. This training will explore weight stigma and how it can adversely affect c...
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles training Part 1 - The importance of healthy eating in school and beyond

1 hour In-person or online


A look at the diets and nutritional health of children and young people in Manchester, the contribution school food can make towards a healthy diet, an update on the Childhood Obesity Plan, and a look...
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles training Part 2 - Developing a physically active school community

1 hour In-person or online


The training focuses on the physical activity levels of children and young people in Manchester. An overview of why physical activity is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle, a look at the links...
Healthy Lifestyles

Supporting your child to eat well and be active during their school years

1 hour In-person


This parent/carer session has been developed to promote a family-based approach to healthy eating and physical activity. It also focuses on healthy packed lunches, sugar awareness and the Eatwell Guid...
Healthy Lifestyles

Lunchtime Organisers Training: Healthy Eating and Creating a Positive Dining Room Experience

1 hour


This training will explore healthy eating guidance and how our values and beliefs around food may effect our interactions with pupils. The session will offer an overview of the benefits of a positive...


We offer bespoke training courses. Please contact us for more information


Thank you so much Cassie

Your team's involvement with this project has been amazing

Healthy Eating Session

100% of parents who attended said they found the session useful.

Parents Session – Healthy Packed lunches

Great to have you visit this morning - I think the session was really valuable for the parents who attended and the multi-agency approach worked really well! Thank you so much! 

Healthy Eating Session

Thank you so much for today's coffee morning and Healthy Schools session.

The parents enjoyed it and were really engaged throughout the session. I know that they have gained from today's session and will hopefully apply their new found knowledge in their homes.

I really appreciated your involvement and interaction with the parents and I am pretty sure that they did too.

Parents Coffee Morning

Thanks so much for this. The LOs couldn’t sing your praises enough! They are keen to do more work on this so thank you so much. They also said they got some tips for home! 

Positive Dining Room Experience and Healthy Eating Training


There are a range of curriculum linked resources (Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4) to support the promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, including resources around healthy eating and physical activity.

Resources to support parental engagement and pupil voice work are also available on request.

If you are a school engaged with us we suggest that you log in prior to viewing resources so these can be recorded in your school dashboard.

If you are struggling to find resources around a related topic area, please do get in touch to let us know: Cassandra.cox@mft.nhs.uk.