Manchester Healthy Schools Team has been working in partnership with Manchester schools for over twenty years - tackling health inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
In November 2016, the team merged with the School Nursing service to create the School Health Service; closely aligning the work of both teams to the Healthy Child Programme.
Learn MoreLog in to the website using your school’s unique username and password.
If you are unsure of these details then you should contact your Healthy Schools Co-ordinator. if you are not sure who this is then you can contact the Healthy Schools team on
This training provides awareness of the common mental health problems experienced by children and young people and how to spot specific sign...
“I’m behaving at you! Are you listening?” (Pam Snow 2014)Behaviour is communication. Many children and young people with social, emotional,...
Our PSHE Network Meetings are for Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education Coordinators and staff who are responsible for deli...
This full day training provides participants with a basic knowledge of LGBTQ+ identities and an understanding of how to support LGBTQ+ Young...
An introduction to the theory of sensory processing, examples of difficulties with sensory processing, general strategies, and practical tip...
The training will include:Exploring a range of emotional and behavioural problems.Exploring the whole-school approach.The influence that the...
An introduction to eating disordersRecognising signs and symptoms inc physical risksKnowing how to respond and referManaging eating disorder...
This one-hour training course is suitable for all staff. The session will explore the importance of teaching open water safety, the dan...
The network aims to share updates in the Mental Health area locally and nationally. Updates will be shared from a variety of Mental Health o...
This training aims to raise awareness of Emotionally Based School Non-attendance (EBSNA). The session will explore contributing and risk fac...
Supporting children with transition training sessions involves helping them adapt smoothly to changes, such as moving to a new school, class...
This training will focus on effective teaching and learning strategies in PSHE Education. It will cover:The benefits of teaching effective P...
This session covers best practice in consulting with parents and carers about statutory RSHE guidance as well as supporting schools to buil...
Manchester Healthy Schools is partnering with The Guardian Foundation's NewsWise to bring you a fully-funded training on developing news lit...
In this session, delegates will explore how multi-sensory approaches can support learning in the areas of Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Heal...
In this session, we will explore the different ways a person's body image and self esteem can be impacted and the different challenges with...
A workshop for schools who have selected the following goal on their Healthy Schools Action Plan for 2024-25:Key policies to support the tea...
This course focuses on the relationship between substance misuse and mental health. The session includes different types of drugs and their...
This universal training aims to support teachers and other professionals in teaching young people about road safety while encouraging method...
This training offers an insight into the area of unintentional injury prevention. It will share the picture nationally and locally, the fact...
This session is an introduction to autism, for practitioners working with young people with an autism diagnosis or on the pathway for assess...
This full day training provides participants with a basic knowledge of LGBTQ+ identities and an understanding of how to support LGBTQ+ Young...
This session explores the importance of sleep, good sleep hygiene practices, and information on sleep physiology. It will also look at the l...
This training has been designed to help delegates understand the broad range of factors that contribute to childhood obesity. This training...
This session explores the 4 categories of need and you will gain an increased understanding of the aims of the SEND Code of Practice and wha...
Book for delivery in your school setting. This course is designed for KS1, 2 & 3 staff teaching the new statutory RSHE content. The sess...
This two-hour training offers RSE practitioners support in developing attitudes and strategies to create RSE classrooms where young people...
This course focuses on the relationship between substance misuse and mental health. The session includes different types of drugs and their...
This training covers the main changes that happen during the teenage years to the brain and how this can help us understand young people. In...
This training provides awareness of the common mental health problems experienced by children and young people and how to spot specific sign...
Our PSHE Network Meetings are for Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education Coordinators and staff who are responsible for deli...
Advanced PSHE SEND Practitioner: Creating a skills-based learning curriculum to enhance personal development across PSHE - A focus on ‘Keepi...
The training offers an introduction to applying the principles of motivational interviewing (MI) to support behavioural change. Delegates wi...
This interactive parents' and carers' webinar covers the main changes that happen to the brain during the teenage years, and how this can he...
The network aims to share updates in the Mental Health area locally and nationally. Updates will be shared from a variety of Mental Health o...
Advanced PSHE SEND Practitioner: Empowering Active Citizens - Integrating British Values, SMSC and CareersIn this session, delegates will ex...
For Primary, Secondary and Special School PSHE Leads new to the role or who have never had formal CPD.This course covers: -The role of the P...
This two hour session will help you:Explore what is meant by Personal DevelopmentNavigate and balance RSHE, PSHE, British Values, SMSC, Citi...
An essential course for anyone delivering drugs education, including approaches that can have a preventative effect and how to create a safe...
The training explores the relationship between risk-taking behaviour and adolescence. The role of biological and psychological factors is ex...
The session explores risk and protective factors for children, young people and substance misuse and introduces delegates to some activities...
A brief overview of different types of drugs and their effects, current trends, new and emerging drugs and risk and protective factors for y...
This course focuses on the different ways children and young people use the internet, and both the advantages and disadvantages of online an...
This course defines what body image is, factors that can affect a young person's body image and the potential negative effects of these fact...
This training explores the different types of bullying and looks at an anti-bullying approach that is preventative, responsive and reflectiv...
Schools can book this session for their parent and carer community. This session explores the positives and negatives of online use, the pot...
A look at the diets and nutritional health of children and young people in Manchester, the contribution school food can make towards a healt...
This newly developed training straddles both areas of RSE and Social & Emotional Health, and has been designed to support all staff at a...
The training focuses on the physical activity levels of children and young people in Manchester. An overview of why physical activity is a f...
This parent/carer session has been developed to promote a family-based approach to healthy eating and physical activity. It also focuses on...
This training will explore healthy eating guidance and how our values and beliefs around food may effect our interactions with pupils. The s...
It is vital that all staff have a basic understanding of Mental Health, what it is and the common mental health problems that they may need...
This is an in-house training. To enquire about booking this training for your school please email the course leader.Adverse childhood experi...
Our teaching and pastoral staff are the most important workforce we have. It is vital that staff know how to protect their own wellbeing and...
This is an in-house training. To enquire about booking this training for your school please email the course leader.Peer mentoring programme...
This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This...
This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This...
This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This...
"Grow and Rise”, is a low level SEMH, 6-session intervention programme that can be delivered by teaching and/or pastoral staff for children...
This introductory course is recommended for all school staff and is broken into 3 sections, as follows: LGBT+ Terminology, Pronouns and...
Book for delivery in your school setting. This course is designed for KS2, KS3 staff teaching the new statutory RSHE guidance which includes...
This course supports staff confidence to deliver safe and meaningful RSE lessons to primary and secondary-aged children with Special Educati...
This course is designed for KS1, 2 & 3 staff teaching the new statutory RSHE content. The session is an introduction to teaching pubert...
This course supports staff confidence to deliver safe and meaningful RSE lessons to primary and secondary-aged children. The session will of...
This training will focus on effective teaching and learning strategies in PSHE Education. It will cover:The benefits of teaching effective P...
This training offers an insight into the area of unintentional injury prevention. It will share the picture nationally and locally, the fact...
This one-hour training aims to support teachers and other professionals in teaching young people about road safety. Effective road safety ed...
This interactive workshop style session offers information and advice to parents and carers on how to prevent unintentional injuries for chi...
This one-hour training course is suitable for all staff. The session will explore the importance of teaching open water safety, the dan...
This is an interactive workshop aimed at parents and carers. The workshop raises awareness of how to encourage children to walk, cycle and s...
The Safety Coaching programme is in it's pilot phase. It aims to teach children and young people with SEND the skills to keep themselves saf...
At Manchester Healthy Schools we pride ourselves on the strong relationships that we have built with our schools. Working in partnership, we ensure we maximise the quality of health education and support for children and young people in Manchester.
Log in to the website using your school’s unique username and password.
If you are unsure of these details then you should contact your Healthy Schools Co-ordinator. if you are not sure who this is then you can contact the Healthy Schools team on