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Social and Emotional Health


Young people and the online world

online-or-face-to-face | 1.5 hours - online or in house | Teams or Face to Face

Course description

This course focuses on the different ways children and young people use the internet, and both the advantages and disadvantages of online and social media use. There is a focus on the different types of online risks and why young people may engage in risky online behaviours, including pupils with SEND and SEMH needs. The session explores how we can mitigate these risks and how we can support young people with positive online use and behaviours.

This course can be delivered online on Teams or face to face in your school.

For more information, please email hannah.shad@mft.nhs.uk





Venue Address

Online or Face to Face


Hannah Shad

Hannah comes from a primary education background and taught in both the UK and British International Schools. She has held a range of roles within her career including Key Stage lead, Pastoral lead and PSHE lead. Her most recent teaching role was as an SEMH teacher in an SEMH alternative provision giving her in-depth knowledge and experience on supporting children with adverse experiences and additional needs. Hannah is therefore very passionate about supporting young people holistically and supporting their social and emotional needs. Hannah has previously been our PSHE lead and is now our Social and Emotional lead. Hannah is determined to highlight the importance of good Social and Emotional health and how these skills can support young people in every aspect of their lives and education. Hannah loves to travel and enjoys music, food, reading and mindfulness practises.  


Social and Emotional Health

Promoting inclusion, emotional wellbeing and understanding behaviour

20th March 2025


Social and Emotional Health

Young people and the online world

11th February 2025


Social and Emotional Health

promoting positive body image and self-esteem

11th February 2025


Social and Emotional Health

Creating an anti-bullying culture in your school

11th February 2025


Social and Emotional Health

Keeping your children safe online: Parents and carers session

11th February 2025


Social and Emotional Health

Language of Inclusion & Anti-Racism

11th February 2025
