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Our training programme is designed to support Manchester school staff to meet the health and wellbeing needs of their whole school community.

To access our free training, schools need to complete the Healthy Schools’ Health Check to sign up to our programme. Once you have completed your Health Check, you will be invited to meet a member of our team to develop an action plan to identify the training, resources and support that you would like to access from our team of specialists. You can then choose from our planned calendar training sessions, or arrange a twilight or bespoke training session and 1:1 support.

Please explore all our training courses and events below.

Unintentional Injury Prevention

Drowning Prevention: Open Water Safety

1 hour


This one-hour training course is suitable for all staff. The session will explore the importance of teaching open water safety, the dangers of cold water shock, drowning prevention techniques and...
Unintentional Injury Prevention

Safer Active Travel for Parents/Carers

1 hour


This is an interactive workshop aimed at parents and carers. The workshop raises awareness of how to encourage children to walk, cycle and scoot in a safe way. The session will cover the benefits of a...
Social and Emotional Health

Creating an anti-bullying culture in your school

1 hour-1.5 hours [pre-recorded digital link]


This training explores the different types of bullying and looks at an anti-bullying approach that is preventative, responsive and reflective. This training is pre-recorded for schools to access at th...
Unintentional Injury Prevention

Effective Safety Education: Avoiding Accidents and Injuries

1 hour


This training offers an insight into the area of unintentional injury prevention. It will share the picture nationally and locally, the factors that make families more vulnerable to unintentional inju...
Unintentional Injury Prevention

Safer Active Travel

1 hour


This one-hour training aims to support teachers and other professionals in teaching young people about road safety. Effective road safety education is not just about learning the rules, knowledge must...
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Best Practice Teaching RSE to Learners with SEND

1-2 hours depending on need (In-house or online)


This course supports staff confidence to deliver safe and meaningful RSE lessons to primary and secondary-aged children with Special Education Needs. The session will offer a range of practical sugges...
Healthy Lifestyles

Lunchtime Organisers Training: Healthy Eating and Creating a Positive Dining Room Experience

1 hour


This training will explore healthy eating guidance and how our values and beliefs around food may effect our interactions with pupils. The session will offer an overview of the benefits of a positive...
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Teaching Body Parts, Positive Puberty & Body Diversity [20/5/25 3-4pm]

1 hour


This course is designed for KS1, 2 & 3 staff teaching the new statutory RSHE content. The session is an introduction to teaching puberty & body parts with a body-positive approach.
Social and Emotional Health

Keeping your children safe online: Parents and carers session

1 hour - online or in house


Schools can book this session for their parent and carer community. This session explores the positives and negatives of online use, the potential risks online and how to prevent them and how to have...


We offer bespoke training courses. Please contact us for more information