Healthy Lifestyles


Understanding Childhood Obesity

19th May 2025 | 15:30 - 16:30 | face-to-face | 1 hour | Virtual via Teams

Course description

This training has been designed to help delegates understand the broad range of factors that contribute to childhood obesity. This training will explore weight stigma and how it can adversely affect children and young people. Delegates will learn how to frame conversations to support people's health needs and circumstances. A range of resources and signposting will be explored to enable schools to sensitively and constructively support affected individuals. This training has been developed in collaboration with psychologists and a consultant from the Complexities of Excess Weight clinic.






Cassie Cox

Cassie is a registered Paediatric Nurse, who moved from the Manchester School Nursing Team to Healthy Schools to start the role of Healthy Lifestyles Lead. The experience and knowledge gained from being a School Nurse has made Cassie incredibly aware of the importance of encouraging and enabling children to live a Healthy Lifestyle. Cassie is passionate about supporting schools to create a whole school community approach to Healthy Lifestyles to improve the lives and health of our children and young people. In response to Manchester’s high rates of childhood obesity and poor oral health, Cassie will be developing resources, delivering training, and supporting Manchester Schools to increase physical activity, promote healthy eating and improve oral health. Cassie is keen to continue our partnership with the School Nurses to deliver the best support possible for Schools. Outside of work, Cassie enjoys teaching and learning swing dance, sewing and reading.


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The importance of Sleep on Health and Wellbeing

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Healthy Lifestyles

Understanding Childhood Obesity

19th May 2025


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Healthy Lifestyles training Part 1 - The importance of healthy eating in school and beyond

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