For Primary, Secondary and Special School PSHE Leads new to the role or who have never had formal CPD.
This course covers: -
- The role of the PSHE Lead and the place of PSHE within your school
- An introduction to our comprehensive IMatter PSHE Scheme of Work
- Effective management: developing skill and enthusiasm within your PSHE team
- Key strategies to embed a whole-school approach to your PSHE provision
- Meaningful and manageable assessment strategies
- The RSHE statutory requirements, Personal Development (including British Values, SMSC) and OFSTED expectations
This training is split into two parts - delegates signed up to the PSHE Coordinator Training are expected to attend the full day course. The second part What is 'outstanding' Personal Development? is open to all relevant staff.
9:00 - 12:30am - PSHE Coordinator Training, exclusively for new PSHE Leads
12:30 - 1:30pm - Break for Lunch
1:30 - 3:30pm - What is 'outstanding' Personal Development? is open to all PSHE Leads, Healthy Schools Coordinators, PD Leads, SLT, Headteachers
This training does not cover PSHE pedagogy as this is covered in the Introducing PSHE Education course.
Training will be held online, it is interactive and requires participation, please attend with the correct equipment to contribute.
Those new to coordinating PSHE
This course is FREE of charge to Manchester schools who have completed the current Health Check. For schools outside of Manchester please contact for fees.
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