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Manchester Healthy Schools have been working in partnership with Manchester schools for over 20 years - tackling health inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

The team are part of the School Health Service and work in partnership with the School Nursing Service to support a whole school approach to health and wellbeing.


Manchester Healthy Schools consists of seven thematic areas that together support a whole school approach to health and wellbeing. These areas are:



PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a school curriculum subject that supports children i... Read More PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a school curriculum subject that supports children in understanding the world, staying safe and healthy and preparing them for life. PSHE is a hugely important subject that develops children holistically whilst also having benefits to overall wellbeing, academic achievement and whole school outcomes.Read less

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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

RSE stands for “Relationships and Sex Education” and as part of Relationships and Health Education, is a new a... Read More RSE stands for “Relationships and Sex Education” and as part of Relationships and Health Education, is a new approach to teaching children about relationships and health. An effective RSE programme helps all children grow up healthy, happy and safe whilst giving them the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. RSE covers all areas of personal development, sexual health and wellbeing as well as developing an awareness of our gender, sexual orientation and personal identity.Read less

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Drugs and Alcohol Education

Drugs and alcohol education is fundamental for children and young people to grow up healthy and safe. Effectiv... Read More Drugs and alcohol education is fundamental for children and young people to grow up healthy and safe. Effective drug and alcohol education builds pupil resilience and life skills around alcohol and drugs.Read less

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Unintentional Injury Prevention

UIP (Unintentional Injury Prevention) teaches children, young people and their families the knowledge, skills... Read More UIP (Unintentional Injury Prevention) teaches children, young people and their families the knowledge, skills and understanding they need in order to be able to keep themselves safe in any given situation. It is a fundamental part of any quality PSHE curriculum. Our UIP offer will support schools to consider the priority areas for their unique setting, be that road, tram, train and/or water safety, alongside safety considerations around the home.Read less

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Social and Emotional Health

Social and Emotional Health is vital in supporting children and young people with the tools to navigate and in... Read More Social and Emotional Health is vital in supporting children and young people with the tools to navigate and interact with society and how to develop skills to protect their mental health. It supports children in a range of personal skills such as understanding and managing emotions, creating and maintaining positive relationships and developing empathy and resilience.Read less

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health is in integral part of any child’s wellbeing and should remain at the forefront of school’s prac... Read More Mental Health is in integral part of any child’s wellbeing and should remain at the forefront of school’s practice. 1 in 5 children aged 5-16 have a mental health problem and the likelihood of young people of developing mental health problems has increased by 50% in the last three years.Read less

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Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles is a vital part of today’s curriculum. Education, training and resources will enable our ch... Read More Healthy Lifestyles is a vital part of today’s curriculum. Education, training and resources will enable our children and young people to make healthy choices both in terms of healthy eating and physical activity. Having the knowledge and skills to eat well and lead an active lifestyle will help our school aged population to maintain a healthy weight and support their mental health too. Obesity rates are continuing to rise across the city and the team at Manchester Healthy Schools is committed to helping all our schools reduce these figures through a high-quality Healthy Lifestyles offer.Read less

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Our team work hard to support the health and wellbeing of Manchester school communities through the development of training, resources, support and guidance. Find out more about our team below.

Hannah Shad

Health Improvement Practitioner Specialist - Social and Emotional Health



Cassie Cox

Health Improvement Practitioner Specialist - Healthy Lifestyles





Thank you very much for delivering that last night and sending the slides. We really appreciate your support.

Effective drugs education

Being new to the role, I found the service to be hugely beneficial and supportive in ensuring that our pupils and staff have access to the most inclusive, relevant and engaging programmes, resources, training opportunities and support.

Healthy Schools Consultation

The healthy school's service offer is fantastic. There is a brilliant range of training and resources for use to use and book on to. The communication with the emails and bulletin is fantastic.

Healthy Schools Consultation

Invaluable! The training and support is exemplary and we could not have made the improvements to the pastoral care and safeguarding in my School without the input from your service.

Healthy Schools Consultation

We are very appreciative of the HS offer and find it very useful. We make full use of the I matter Programme and use the training sessions a lot for members of staff and the PSHE lead. It is always easy to get hold of someone to get advice.

Healthy Schools Consultation

I find the self assessment health check and action planning very helpful as it clearly states what is needed to ensure that we are doing all possible to provide what our school community, and beyond need to promote and sustain all aspects of a healthy, successful and happy life.

Healthy Schools Consultation


Sign up to our mailing list to receive updates of forthcoming training from our Behind the Behaviour programme.


We are part of the Children’s Community Health services and commissioned by the Manchester City Council Population Heath Team, the School Health Service provides holistic health and wellbeing support across Manchester’s key public health priorities.

Healthy Child Programme (HCP) Teams Universal Offer
Accessible for Primary and Secondary Schools:


Sleep Pathway

Medical Conditions Training

Healthy Weight

Bespoke Secondary School Offer


For any enquiries please get in touch using the form below.

For any further contact information or individual team member contact details please visit our contact page.