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Our training programme is designed to support Manchester school staff to meet the health and wellbeing needs of their whole school community.

To access our free training, schools need to complete the Healthy Schools’ Health Check to sign up to our programme. Once you have completed your Health Check, you will be invited to meet a member of our team to develop an action plan to identify the training, resources and support that you would like to access from our team of specialists. You can then choose from our planned calendar training sessions, or arrange a twilight or bespoke training session and 1:1 support.

Please explore all our training courses and events below.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Supporting Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing

1 Hour - In-house training


Our teaching and pastoral staff are the most important workforce we have. It is vital that staff know how to protect their own wellbeing and schools know how to support staff when their mental health...
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Setting up an effective and sustainable Peer Mentoring programme

1.5 Hours - In-house training


This is an in-house training. To enquire about booking this training for your school please email the course leader.Peer mentoring programmes are an effective way to support the mental health, resilie...
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles training Part 1 - The importance of healthy eating in school and beyond

1 hour In-person or online


A look at the diets and nutritional health of children and young people in Manchester, the contribution school food can make towards a healthy diet, an update on the Childhood Obesity Plan, and a look...
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles training Part 2 - Developing a physically active school community

1 hour In-person or online


The training focuses on the physical activity levels of children and young people in Manchester. An overview of why physical activity is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle, a look at the links...
Healthy Lifestyles

Supporting your child to eat well and be active during their school years

1 hour In-person


This parent/carer session has been developed to promote a family-based approach to healthy eating and physical activity. It also focuses on healthy packed lunches, sugar awareness and the Eatwell Guid...
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Parental Workshop - Exam Stress

1 Hour


This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This workshop will aim to explore –·    &nbs...
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Parental Workshop - Exploring Anxiety

1 Hour


This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This workshop will aim to explore –·    &nbs...
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Parental Workshop - Mental Health Awareness

1 Hour


This is a parental workshop. To enquire about this workshop being delivered to parents at your school, please contact the course leader.This workshop will aim to explore –·    &nbs...
Mental Health and Wellbeing

Grow and Rise Intervention - Train the Trainer

1 Full Day or Two Half Days - In-house


"Grow and Rise”, is a low level SEMH, 6-session intervention programme that can be delivered by teaching and/or pastoral staff for children of upper Key Stage 2 in primary schools, and for Key Stage 3...


We offer bespoke training courses. Please contact us for more information